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Beleth ’s Drum is a sound simulator that reproduces literacy splatter sound like HD on a silent device like BlueSCSI. The high grade relay G5V-1 made by OMRON is used for the sound. The microcontroller that controls the playback of the sound uses AT Tiny13A or AT Tiny85.


About connection:

From BlueSCSI, take out + and- (anode and cathode output) from the ACT output pin and connect them.


Unfortunately, it cannot operate at the voltage that the LED shines, so it is necessary to supply 5V power from Berg cable for Floppy.


The LED lights up by relay operation. It can be removed. If you prepare a wire that can be extended to the front panel of your Mac, you can also illuminate the LED on the front panel. *However, Bi-Color LED is not recommended when connecting to this unit because it cannot distinguish colors clearly compared to Beezul-Bulb.


Devices that can be connected:

It is designed on the assumption that it will be connected to BlueSCSI, but since the voltage of a device with an LED output of about 2V can be input, it can also be connected to the device you can imagine. Of course, it can also be used for CF card adapters and SSDs.

Apr 24, 2022
We added 200mm 4-pin Berg cable as an option. It's made in China, the quality is low... It's the same as Amazon, but cheaper than that. It is little difficult to insert because the tips of the pins on the large connector side are uneven. There is no good cable of this type, so we have no choice but to make it an option.

Oct 9, 2024

This Does Nit Compute, he showed the Beleth's Drum hack on his YouTube video and designed the backpack bracket for the BlueSCSI V1.1 Desktop. *Please see the last image, you can see what it's like. *However, be aware that the Berg cable is required.

SMC Beleth's Drum, HD sound simulator, MIJ

  • This device is for the user to modify the Mac itself. Please be careful as we do not take any responsibility in any of the following cases.

    - Failure of all devices and Mac itself when this device is installed
    - Injuries and accidents that occurred when installing
    - Device failure due to incorrect installation by the user
    - Damage when dropped or crushed

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